
We invite you to keep up to date with changes concerning our company, which we publish on the website in the form of short entries. Among other things, we post information about events such as technical training courses which we organise for companies in the industrial sector, and industry congresses in which our representatives took part. News may also relate to the appearance of new services in the offer, modernisations being introduced or the latest changes in the company’s operation and structure.



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Zakup nowej tokarki CJ62250Yc o parametrach: max. średnica toczenia 500mm x max. długość obrabianego metalu 1500mm

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WELMER w Zawierciańskim Forum Przedsiębiorców 2.0

Zawiercie Entrepreneurs' Forum 2.0 dated March 14, 2024.

24.03.2021. Participation of WELMER